G.O.L Sensations of Tone – Revived

I am gonna start off by reviving one of my earlier posts. I see there have been quite a few requests for this album during my absence. So interested people just let me know with your comments. I will send you the download link.

Edit: I will upload it tonight and post the link right here.

Sincere Apologies

Wow, it’s been a while! I am sorry for not having posted anything worthwhile for a long long time. I had been going through some personal struggles since the last couple of months. Coping with them has been extremely painful. But blogging certainly would help me try to forget some of the things. So I am back for good this time. Reminds me of a Big Bang Theory episode, where Leonard goes through one of his many breakups with Penny and Sheldon tells him that the time is ripe to start a blog with an interactive commenting feature. He is damn right!