More CNN Lunacy!

Th following segment was aired in Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN a couple of days back. I like AC in general, because he is a serious journalist compared to most of the hacks that are in news these days, like the dumb ass woman in the last vdo! He got James Fox back on alrite, and Fox was talkin about the NPC event and then it turns out that Fox was brought on to debate the fat ass clown James Mcgaha! This guy is a text book example for how a skeptic is not supposed to be! He has no curiosity whatsoever and he claims that all people who claim to see UFO’s are hallucinating and he is the best authority in explaining UFO cases! Load of BS! I am gonna post a few edited vdos of this dumbo in the next few days, where he explains away most of the credible UFO sightings as just nothin more than stars, light house flash, re entering satellites, flares, blah blah blah! What perplexes me the most is that he has never investigated a single case first hand, and yet he thinks he knows better! Don’t they teach objectivity in those skeptic meetings? What an ass!

The Lunacy of Mainstream Media

In my previous post I had talked about the UFO Close Encounters Meeting at the National Press Club on November 12th. Well, guess what, the media reported on the event and as usual, the coverage was pathetic! I am embedding a CNN report on the event and I must say, I couldn’t stand the BS from the bi*ch! She is prolly one of the most arrogant, misinformed, totally clueless news casters I have ever seen! The way she giggles and handles herself in covering this event is proof enough that the mainstream media whores can never be honest about reporting topics like UFOs. Sorry about the harsh language, but any number of expletives ain’t gonna change the situation!

At least the guy who reported on the event was a little bit serious about it! Have a look for yourself! Have a vomit bag ready, coz you might wanna throw up!